Youth Development in Under-served Communities
The EduServe team at FESF is currently partnering with 7 other youth-focused organizations in Karachi on a collaborative initiative: Azme Naujawan (loosely: The Tenacity of Youth). The program provides training in 21st Century skills to youth across the city. The curriculum focuses on personality development, leadership skills, social action and entrepreneurship. Training is conducted in one of 33 youth centers or partnering schools across Karachi.
The program focuses on youth from two age brackets, 15-17 and 18-25. Participants will sign up for 6 months of training, and will also conduct social action projects and campaigns in their areas throughout the duration of the program.
How to Join
If you are a young person and would like to be a part of Azme Naujawan training program, or if you represent a school or youth-focused organization and would like your youth to experience the program please write us at: [email protected]