Leading and Managing with Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional Intelligence has become a buzz word and rightfully so. Research has proven that the emotional well-being of leaders and corporate professionals greatly benefits the organization and brings returns in productivity, supportive organizational culture, teamwork, increased work motivation, and attrition rate. Building these emotional skills and competencies is key to the success of any organization.…

Emotional Intelligence has become a buzz word and rightfully so. Research has proven that the emotional well-being of leaders and corporate professionals greatly benefits the organization and brings returns in productivity, supportive organizational culture, teamwork, increased work motivation, and attrition rate. Building these emotional skills and competencies is key to the success of any organization.

The below workshops are carefully crafted to provide you and your team a transformative experience wherein limiting belief systems and dysfunctional communication patterns are challenged. They also provide you with strategies and tools that teach you how to become more self-aware, and manage emotions in an appropriate way; how to be attuned and manage or redirect the emotions of others; and how to acquire social skills necessary to manage relationships, and to motivate and inspire others.

We offer customized programs and are happy to discuss your organization’s needs and requirements!

Our Training Methodology 

What makes us stand out: 

Tailor made programs to maximize impact

Experiential and playful learning with interactive activities.

Training materials and handouts for instant recall.

Professional international trainer

Workshop Themes

Active and mindful listening

Active and mindful listening is a critical skill for leaders and managers and is also a key component of effective communication. This 3 hour highly interactive and experiential workshop explores how to master mindful and active listening skills that enhance team functioning and productivity.

Anger as a Positive Force:

In this 3 hour workshop, participants will learn to recognize their anger triggers and how anger impacts other team members and the office culture. Participants will learn strategies to help them manage their anger more effectively and creatively.

Workplace Stress and Anxiety:

Stress can be motivating and energizing and it can also make you feel exhausted, irritated, fearful, and demotivated. This 4-hour experiential workshop helps you recognize the stressors in your life and provides you with strategies to manage your stress. You will also gain knowledge and tools on how to best support employees when stress-related issues become a hurdle to work productivity.

Building Resilience:

Resilience means being flexible, having the ability to bounce back and to have mental agility even under stressful or adverse circumstances. Resilience is partially affected by your personality and genetic make-up yet it can be enhanced. In this 3 hour workshop, you’ll reflect on your personal situation and learn new skills, resources and coping strategies.

Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace:

Safety in the workplace is a collective responsibility of everyone in the organization. This 3 hour workshop highlights various kinds of bullying and harassment and teaches you how to build a transparent and tolerant work environment. It also explores how to address these issues when you are a victim of either of these toxic behaviors.

Coaching Skills for Leaders:

An effective and competent team is one that communicates well and brings out the best in one another. This 4 hour workshop will lay the foundation for good interpersonal skills when it comes to coaching your team members. It will help you better understand your own emotional responses, and will give you the coaching skills needed to bring your teams together.

Conflict Resolution:

Conflict is inevitable in human relationships and in the workplace. This 3 hour workshop will help participants gain insight into their habitual conflict style, and teaches them diverse communication strategies to problem-solve conflicts in a non-reactive way.

Defying Limiting Beliefs:

Self-limiting beliefs often originate in childhood and impact our behavior as adults. These beliefs constrain us and hold us back from reaching our true potential. In this 3 hour workshop, we will examine our self-limiting beliefs through insightful reflection, and learn to make different choices and decisions so that we act beyond the narrow confines of our previous beliefs. 

Empathy in the Workplace:

Empathy in an organizational environment has a direct impact on employee productivity, loyalty and engagement. In this 4 hour workshop, we’ll explore hindrances to empathy, talk about biases and stereotypes, and we’ll use case studies, role plays, and interactive group work to ‘feel into’ the practical impact of empathy in a work environment.

Team dynamics

Trust, good communication, and mutual accountability are important components of effective team performance. Preferably held in an open space to facilitate active engagement, this 3 hour long workshop helps bolster positive relationships within the team.

Understanding Mental Health: Introduction:

A workplace that promotes mental health and supports people emotionally is more likely to reduce absenteeism, and increase productivity and motivation at work. This 3 hour workshop helps you to better understand mental health issues and provides a platform wherein taboos, myths and the stigma surrounding mental health are openly discussed. We’ll also explore how to take care of your own emotional wellbeing.

Understanding Mental Health – Opening Up Conversations and Supporting Managers:

Talking about mental health issues is challenging for most people. This 3 hour workshop explores your own inhibitions and provides you with practical suggestions and tools on how to congruently address mental health issues in a work environment. 

How to Join:

If you would like us to conduct the ‘Leading and Managing with Emotional Intelligence’ workshops in your organization, then please get in touch with us at [email protected] or  [email protected]